Montag, 13. Januar 2014

Quo Vadis Francisce?

Heute war (wieder) einer dieser Tage wo mich unser heiliger Vater, Papst Franz, wieder komplett verwirrt hat. Da war zum einen die Zelebration ad orientem in der Sixtina, die mich sehr gefreut hat, zum anderen die (für mich negative) Nachricht, das S. E. Bischof Müller der Chef der Glaubenskongregation (Häretiker und Erzfeind der FSSPX) , wie zu erwarten zum Kardinal kreiert wird..
Today was (again) one of those days were our Holy Father, Pope Francis has completely confused me. On the one hand there was the positive news that Pope Francis celebrated hl. Mass in the Sixtina ad orientem, on the other hand we heard that as expected, H. E. Bishop Müller, Head of the CDF (and known for his heretic views and enmity towards tradition and the FSSPX specifically) will soon receive the Red Cardinals hat..